Re-wild Re-connect Re-member
As we tune back in to body and self, we remember we are not separate from anything. To heal the self is to heal the earth, to heal the earth, is to heal the self. When did we stop listening?

Osteowild is reintroducing the wild. Reconnecting us back to our natural circadian and cyclical rhythms, wild movement, body remembrance, Reconnecting the Spirit, Body and Heart-Mind. Connecting to Country. Our healing journeys start as we remember to listen to the messages our bodies are telling us, this innate body wisdom is within us all. The wisdom we were born with.


I treat using the art and science of osteopathy, guided by its principals to see the body as a whole. The sum of, rather than its individual parts. Available to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of their own body’s wisdom. Time to start to listen.