Structure governs function… function governs structure… so the two are reciprocally interrelated. BUT FUNCTION PRECEDES STRUCTURE; so when we move (or don’t move), our structure is reassembled to organise itself around the moment or lack thereof.
In this way there is a beautiful interdependence for health to truely express itself.
In the developing foetus function precedes structure. WE ARE MOTION. MOTION IS LIFE. Then comes structure. The bones form around the nerves and blood vessels, the blood vessels form around the flowing fluid of blood to and from the heart and lungs. The heart and lungs develop in unison, there is no separation. Children live in this fluid body, the older we get, the more body possessive and body attached we seem to become. Does this fluid dry up? Do our brains get too big and heavy with thought. My inspiration, the children. Watch and learn from them, reconnect with being fluid, be like the fluid body of the children, our teachers.